24 june 2004 Second example of reprojecting a line file in arc info. This time from UTM to lat/lon. Say you have only the .e00 file, in UTM, but you want it in lat/lon. For this example, say I have a file, 2001faults.e00. 1. You must be in the directory where you have the arc stuff set up. 2. describe 2001faults // displays a bunch of useful info about 2001faults 3. import auto 2001faults.e00 2001faults // imports the data set and makes some accompanying files 4. projectdefine cover 2001faults 5. You will see a prompt "project:" Type the following lines with a return after each... projection utm units meters zone 51 [for Taiwan] spheroid wgs84 datum wgs84 paramters 6. project cover 2001faults newfaults [the 2 names must be different] 7. Project: (this prompt will show again, type the following lines then return) output project geographic [for lat/lon] units dd [decimal degrees] spheroid wgs84 datum wgs84 parameters end 8. ungenerate LINE newfaults newfaults.gen [.gen for "generate"] 9. can use the gen2gmt matlab script in my directory to change to gmt format. (email me for it if I don't write the directory info here) might need to edit it to add a second > at the end (two > lines to EOF)