descw.txt 22 july 2004 lhsu Use DESCW to select your scenes for InSAR processesing. You can download it from here: Once you have all the updated files installed, here is one way to select your scenes. 1. Click your area in the Navigation Map, a zoomed-in window will pop up 2. From the toolbar, select Define -> Area, and outline the polygon of your study area 3. From the toolbar, select Define -> Mission, and select ERS1 and ERS2 and 'Add' them to the list. You can enter any other constraints or leave the defaults. 4. From the toolbar, select View -> Scenes List 5. By moving the mouse over the scene list, you can highlight certain frames, right click to delete groups, etc. 6. Click on the "Track" column to open up a list of baselines. 7. Click on a date to have that the reference (zero) baseline. 8. When you have whittled down your Scenes List to only the desired lines, select File -> Save Parameters, and save a .prm file that you need to send to esa to order your scenes. 9. You need to go to esa to order your scenes (Go to CAT-1, submit a proposal)